Quirky comedy with George Clooney and Ewan McGregor
A movie where the most outlandish scenes are probably true. You really couldn't make this shit up! Based on the non-fiction novel by Jon Ronson and thus rather uneven as a film, it still makes for good entertainment.
George Clooney, Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges are having the time of their lives with this picture, sending themselves, and previous roles, up in the process. Ewan McGregor plays a reporter who seeks out America's secret psychic army represented by former member George Clooney. The story is told mainly as flashback as Clooney relays the history of the unit from its seeds in Vietnam and continues the story in modern day Iraq, where Clooney is on a mission.
The film relishes the moments where Clooney tells McGregor that he is a Jedi Warrior and can sense some psychic ability with him, so he could become a Jedi too. Of course every time the film mentions the word Jedi, it takes you out of the story somewhat as you chuckle with the irony.
The film is worth a watch but catch it as a rental.
7 out of 10
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